• 4. Capacitors

    4. Capacitors

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    Capacitors charge and discharge quickly. Charging and discharging depend on the capacitance of the capacitor. In contrast to an inductor which keeps the Current constant, Capacitor keeps the Voltage constant. How does a capacitor maintain a constant voltage? Capacitor is made of […]

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  • 3. Inductors

    3. Inductors

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    Same as the coil used in the previous notes. The Inductor is a coiled conductor usually a copper wire. An Inductor connected across a DC voltage source from the circuit below has a current flow across the Inductor coil. This generates a Magnetic […]

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  • 2. Grounding in AC supply

    2. Grounding in AC supply

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    Household equipment power cord usually has 3 terminals Neutral, Line, and Ground. For a 3-phase circuit, the circuit below shows Line and neutral.  The long-distance transmission uses 3 Phase supply. Houses usually get single-phase and a limited number of 2-phase outlets for […]

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  • 1. DC/AC(1 Phase and 3 Phase) Power Supply

    1. DC/AC(1 Phase and 3 Phase) Power Supply

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    DC Supply DC is straightforward. In a DC power supply, the current flow only in one direction, between the negative Cathode and to positive Anode. When any load (like a resistor or an LED) is connected across a battery, the current flows […]

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